Module information

Code CS1111


Christian Maturity (2 ECTS)


Christian Maturity is an introductory study to the subject of the Christian’s growth. The study gives attention to the role of Christian service in the believer’s growth. A biblical approach to the subject makes the course acceptable for use in an international audience. The course leads the student to interact constantly with the Word of God, which is the foundation for the study. The course is practical in nature, pointing out how the student may progress toward Christlikeness in daily Christian living and service. Biblical illustrations of Christian growth and the Bible-centered lessons provide students with material for use in their own Christian service.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: 1. Explain the tendency toward growth inherent in spiritual life, and allow it to help you grow in Christ. 2. Relate spiritual maturity to daily life in such matters as discrimination between good and evil and application of biblical messages. 3. Explain why a Christian cannot mature without fellowship with God 4. Explain spiritual maturity in terms of completion and finishing as opposed to flawless perfection. 5. Describe the Holy Spirit’s role in our Christian maturity. 6. Explain personal experiences to analyze progress in the use of your will to improve yourself spiritually 7. Experience greater Christian maturity through increased general usefulness in ministry in the church and in helping others..

Mode of Study

Lecture Video Student interaction Hands on


50 objective multiple choice questions Online or pencil and paper Passmark 70%



MQF/EQF Level 3 Qualification 36 ECTS Credits


Spiritual Development (Division)

10 ECTS Credits

The Responsible Christian Abundant Living Christian Maturity Spiritual Gifts Prayer and Worship
© 2021 Global Institute of Theology
OFFICE ADDRESS: 56, Word of Life Triq il-Kaccatur Qormi - QRM3563 Malta
DELIVERY ADDRESS: Knisja Evangelika Battista, 227 Kungress Ewkaristiku, Mosta, Malta

Module information

Code CS1111


Christian Maturity (2 ECTS)


Christian Maturity is an introductory study to the subject of the Christian’s growth. The study gives attention to the role of Christian service in the believer’s growth. A biblical approach to the subject makes the course acceptable for use in an international audience. The course leads the student to interact constantly with the Word of God, which is the foundation for the study. The course is practical in nature, pointing out how the student may progress toward Christlikeness in daily Christian living and service. Biblical illustrations of Christian growth and the Bible-centered lessons provide students with material for use in their own Christian service.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: 1. Explain the tendency toward growth inherent in spiritual life, and allow it to help you grow in Christ. 2. Relate spiritual maturity to daily life in such matters as discrimination between good and evil and application of biblical messages. 3. Explain why a Christian cannot mature without fellowship with God 4. Explain spiritual maturity in terms of completion and finishing as opposed to flawless perfection. 5. Describe the Holy Spirit’s role in our Christian maturity. 6. Explain personal experiences to analyze progress in the use of your will to improve yourself spiritually 7. Experience greater Christian maturity through increased general usefulness in ministry in the church and in helping others..

Mode of Study

Lecture Video Student interaction Hands on


50 objective multiple choice questions Online or pencil and paper Passmark 70%




MQF/EQF Level 3 Qualification 36 ECTS Credits


Spiritual Development (Division)

10 ECTS Credits

The Responsible Christian Abundant Living Christian Maturity Spiritual Gifts Prayer and Worship
© 2021 Global Institute of Theology
OFFICE ADDRESS: 56, Word of Life Triq il-Kaccatur Qormi - QRM3563 Malta
+356 79475618
+356 21435529
CLASS ADDRESS Knisja Evangelika Battista 227, Kungress Ewkaristiku Mosta,Malta