Module information

Code CS1211


Prayer and Worship (2 ECTS)


This course is a study on prayer and worship with emphasis on the priority of God’s glory and God’s kingdom over our needs and wants. It also emphasizes the fact that believers who honor this priority will have the things they need provided for them. The study is based on Matthew 6:5–13, but the key verse containing the central truth is Matthew 6:33: “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” It starts with believers’ position as sons and daughters of God. Because they are sons and daughters, they can approach the Father’s throne with confidence that their prayers will be heard. As members of God’s family, believers have family interests at heart and give priority to their Father’s name, kingdom, and will in everything they do. This attitude is reflected in their prayers. Having placed their Father’s will above their own, they make known their personal petitions with the confidence that, before they ask, their Father knows they have need of “all these things.” Particular emphasis will be upon prayer and worship as they relate to Christian service. While the material will be appropriate for your spiritual growth and edification, it is outlined in such a way as to provide a tool for Bible study. It should, therefore, serve a two-fold purpose: it can be a guide for your own personal devotion, and it can enhance your effectiveness in communicating God’s Word.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: 1. Experience for yourself that God is loving, knowable, and desirous to communicate with you and be worshiped by you. 2. Use prayer and worship as a path to understanding God’s plan to restore humanity to fellowship and a way to make them His children in the family of heaven. 3. Explain why the worship of God, God’s kingdom, and God’s plan must have priority in prayer. 4. Pray according to God’s will when seeking your livelihood, a peaceful co-existence with those around you, an overcoming life, and deliverance from evils that overtake you. 5. Establish habits of prayer and worship that will make you Christlike and an effective witness, able to teach others who are seeking a life of prayer and worship. 6. Persuade others that God exists, loves them, wants to save them, and rewards those who worship Him above all else.

Mode of Study

Lecture Video Student interaction Hands on


50 objective multiple choice questions Online or pencil and paper Passmark 70%



MQF/EQF Level 3 Qualification 36 ECTS Credits


Spiritual Development (Division)

10 ECTS Credits

The Responsible Christian Abundant Living Christian Maturity Spiritual Gifts Prayer and Worship
© 2021 Global Institute of Theology
OFFICE ADDRESS: 56, Word of Life Triq il-Kaccatur Qormi - QRM3563 Malta
DELIVERY ADDRESS: Knisja Evangelika Battista, 227 Kungress Ewkaristiku, Mosta, Malta

Module information

Code CS1211


Prayer and Worship (2 ECTS)


This course is a study on prayer and worship with emphasis on the priority of God’s glory and God’s kingdom over our needs and wants. It also emphasizes the fact that believers who honor this priority will have the things they need provided for them. The study is based on Matthew 6:5–13, but the key verse containing the central truth is Matthew 6:33: “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” It starts with believers’ position as sons and daughters of God. Because they are sons and daughters, they can approach the Father’s throne with confidence that their prayers will be heard. As members of God’s family, believers have family interests at heart and give priority to their Father’s name, kingdom, and will in everything they do. This attitude is reflected in their prayers. Having placed their Father’s will above their own, they make known their personal petitions with the confidence that, before they ask, their Father knows they have need of “all these things.” Particular emphasis will be upon prayer and worship as they relate to Christian service. While the material will be appropriate for your spiritual growth and edification, it is outlined in such a way as to provide a tool for Bible study. It should, therefore, serve a two-fold purpose: it can be a guide for your own personal devotion, and it can enhance your effectiveness in communicating God’s Word.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: 1. Experience for yourself that God is loving, knowable, and desirous to communicate with you and be worshiped by you. 2. Use prayer and worship as a path to understanding God’s plan to restore humanity to fellowship and a way to make them His children in the family of heaven. 3. Explain why the worship of God, God’s kingdom, and God’s plan must have priority in prayer. 4. Pray according to God’s will when seeking your livelihood, a peaceful co- existence with those around you, an overcoming life, and deliverance from evils that overtake you. 5. Establish habits of prayer and worship that will make you Christlike and an effective witness, able to teach others who are seeking a life of prayer and worship. 6. Persuade others that God exists, loves them, wants to save them, and rewards those who worship Him above all else.

Mode of Study

Lecture Video Student interaction Hands on


50 objective multiple choice questions Online or pencil and paper Passmark 70%




MQF/EQF Level 3 Qualification 36 ECTS Credits


Spiritual Development (Division)

10 ECTS Credits

The Responsible Christian Abundant Living Christian Maturity Spiritual Gifts Prayer and Worship
© 2021 Global Institute of Theology
OFFICE ADDRESS: 56, Word of Life Triq il-Kaccatur Qormi - QRM3563 Malta
+356 79475618
+356 21435529
CLASS ADDRESS Knisja Evangelika Battista 227, Kungress Ewkaristiku Mosta,Malta