Module information

Code CS6361


Abundant Living (2 ECTS)


Abundant Living: A Study of Christian Character is a practical course of study from Galatians 5 and related Scriptures. It emphasizes the development of Christian qualities and their outworkings in the Christian’s relationships and service. Biblical definitions and examples are emphasized in describing the nine dimensions of spiritual fruit, and practical applications are made which relate these characteristics to the individual Christian life. The course will help the student understand the principles of Christian fruit-bearing and the necessity for the progressive development of a Christlike character for effective Christian service and an abundant life in the Spirit. The student will be encouraged to make a commitment to develop the qualities of Christian character in his or her life and to display these qualities in his or her everyday experiences.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: 1. List the nine characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit and give a definition of each based on biblical usage. 2. Explain the biblical concepts of fruit-bearing, Christlikeness, progressive development of Christian character, and Christian liberty. 3. Describe what it means to manifest a Christlike character in daily relationships and experiences. 4. Put into daily practice the principles of Christian fruit-bearing as you yield control of your life to the Holy Spirit.

Mode of Study

Lecture Video Student interaction Hands on


50 objective multiple choice questions Online or pencil and paper Passmark 70%



MQF/EQF Level 3 Qualification 36 ECTS Credits


Spiritual Development (Division)

10 ECTS Credits

The Responsible Christian Abundant Living Christian Maturity Spiritual Gifts Prayer and Worship
© 2021 Global Institute of Theology
OFFICE ADDRESS: 56, Word of Life Triq il-Kaccatur Qormi - QRM3563 Malta
DELIVERY ADDRESS: Knisja Evangelika Battista, 227 Kungress Ewkaristiku, Mosta, Malta

Module information

Code CS6361


Abundant Living (2 ECTS)


Abundant Living: A Study of Christian Character is a practical course of study from Galatians 5 and related Scriptures. It emphasizes the development of Christian qualities and their outworkings in the Christian’s relationships and service. Biblical definitions and examples are emphasized in describing the nine dimensions of spiritual fruit, and practical applications are made which relate these characteristics to the individual Christian life. The course will help the student understand the principles of Christian fruit-bearing and the necessity for the progressive development of a Christlike character for effective Christian service and an abundant life in the Spirit. The student will be encouraged to make a commitment to develop the qualities of Christian character in his or her life and to display these qualities in his or her everyday experiences.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: 1. List the nine characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit and give a definition of each based on biblical usage. 2. Explain the biblical concepts of fruit- bearing, Christlikeness, progressive development of Christian character, and Christian liberty. 3. Describe what it means to manifest a Christlike character in daily relationships and experiences. 4. Put into daily practice the principles of Christian fruit-bearing as you yield control of your life to the Holy Spirit.

Mode of Study

Lecture Video Student interaction Hands on


50 objective multiple choice questions Online or pencil and paper Passmark 70%




MQF/EQF Level 3 Qualification 36 ECTS Credits


Spiritual Development (Division)

10 ECTS Credits

The Responsible Christian Abundant Living Christian Maturity Spiritual Gifts Prayer and Worship
© 2021 Global Institute of Theology
OFFICE ADDRESS: 56, Word of Life Triq il-Kaccatur Qormi - QRM3563 Malta
+356 79475618
+356 21435529
CLASS ADDRESS Knisja Evangelika Battista 227, Kungress Ewkaristiku Mosta,Malta